The Children's Museum of the Upstate

We went to the Children's Museum of the Upstate while my Mom and Dad were in town.

Ashley and Krista get to sit in an Indy car

Ashley is building a model car.

Pepa is ready to race his car. It looks fast.

Ashley looks determined. She's going to win!

Here is Krista and her car.

The girls try out the wind tunnel.

Krista liked the wind in her hair,

Ashley liked to watch the plastic balls go thru the tubes.

Krista tries to fly a plane.

Krista wants to get her paper airplane to fly.

Mema is helping Ashley with her shopping list.

Ashley is checking out her items.

I think Mema and Ashley would like some cake.

Look at those girls climb.

Ashley is pretending to have a broken leg and walk on crutches.

Krista wanted to pretend she had a broken arm.

Krista and I are building a water tube highway.

Ashley liked seeing the water fall on her head

The girls had fun pretending to be newscasters on TV.

They were reporting about an alien invasion.

Mema and Krista are playing a song on those tubes.

Krista is ready to do some construction.

Ashley was all decked out in her work clothes.

Krista having fun with light and crystals.