Event Rally 5/9/2008 - 5/11/2008

This was our first real rally. It was a 3 day event and Krista was one of the youngest riders out there.  This rally was held in Tryon, NC and Krista had the time of her life.

The Barr Family helped us by allowing us to use their horse and by transporting Snickers to the rally.

She was on a team with 3 older girls and they all helped Krista get ready and she loved helping them with their horses too.

Darbie and I walk her horse back to the barn.
Stadium Jumping Competition--See how hard I am concentrating.


Here I am warming up for the Stadium Jumping.


I am in jumping position as Snickers walks over the cross poles.


A professional looking rider 


Snickers and I are headed for the next jump.


WOW!!! We are jumping and looking GOOD!!


We made it!!!!! Yea!! So Much Fun!!


More Stadium Jumping.  Snickers looks really excited. Not really!!!


Now Snickers looks better.


Snickers never gets in a hurry.  We just walked over a cross pole.


Snickers is an Arabian Horse, very Handsome.


Here Austin the stable manager is helping me get Snickey back to his stall.


One of the horse management judges is giving me some helpful hints.


Snickey is getting a taste of North Carolina grass.


It is good that I am wearing my muck boots