Pour Garage Slab


07/26/2007 6:40AM Ready for the first truck to arrive. We started around 6:30 AM. I am putting grease on the anchor bolts to make sure the threads will not fill with concrete. These were initially set during the footing pour.
07/26/2007 6:48 AM The first truck has arrived with the concrete. The workers start pulling the concrete into the forms.
07/26/2007 7:17 AM The concrete is being leveled off with a screed board.
07/26/2007 7:32 AM The second truck has arrived and the pouring continues.
07/26/2007 7:39 AM The second truck is almost empty and a third truck is required.
07/26/2007 9:01 AM The last bit of concrete has been poured. They sent one of their biggest trucks for only 1.5 yards of concrete! There are 16 wheels on this thing!
07/26/2007 9:03 AM The next step was using the bull float to depress the large aggregate and create a smooth surface. 
07/26/2007 11:07 AM After the bull float, a speed float was used to produce a smoother finish. Finally the power trowel was used to provide the final smooth surface.
07/26/2007 11:27 AM At this point, 5 hours have elapsed since we began.
07/26/2007 1:45 PM The last step was to use a concrete saw to cut crack control lines. In this picture he is using the saw free hand to get around the obstructions. The workers spent about 7 hours on the job. After they were done I covered the slab with a plastic sheet to let the concrete slowly cure.
08/03/2007 1:23 PM Ashley is sweeping up the slab after it has been sitting under plastic for a week to cure. We removed the forms and will hopefully be able to reuse some of that wood.